Sophos addresses Cybersecurity Burnout

As one of the leading vendors in the security marketplace Sophos study and track marketplace changes in the areas of cybersecurity. A recent whitepaper from Sophos has interesting insights of the impact of so many cybersecurity attacks on IT employees within APAC and Japan. With over 90% of companies within the Philippines and Malaysia feeling the effects of Cybersecurity burnout, this is not something that organisations can afford to ignore.

So what are the impacts on employees?

  • 41% felt they are not diligent enough in their performance
  • 34% felt heightened levels of anxiety if subject to a breach or attack
  • 31% experience feelings of cynicism, detachment and apathy towards cybersecurity activities and their responsibilities
  • 30% stated it makes them want to either resign or change career (23% of all surveyed have acted on this and resigned)
  • 10% feel guilty that they cannot do more in their role to support cybersecurity activities

The impacts therefore on the businesses that they work for are not hard to understand:

  • Loss of productivity
  • Direct contribution to breaches
  • Resignations and employees moving on

It is vital that boards, senior management and employees start working together to ensure the correct resources are applied of both time and finance that the pressure can be released on those in the firing line. As a Sophos Gold Partner Twelve Times are pleased to be offering expertise on the best solutions to their customers, and we hope we can do our part to support organisations, and the IT employees within them as well.

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