We said in the Our Story business is a journey, but who we are at our heart doesn’t change. That which mattered to us in the beginning days of Wyre Forest Computer Solutions Ltd, matters to us still, but perhaps now in the passing of years we are able to articulate it better than we could back in those early days.

So who is Twelve Times? We are a company built upon a team who have chosen to work together in our Brisbane offices, to build together and it is our privilege to enjoy what we do. When we chose to build afresh together, this is what we realised matters the most to us:

Integrity and honesty, we are not about putting forward a professional front but by being authentically good at what we do, and by being honest if we can’t do something.

Experts in our field, understanding the product not just from reading the manufacturers specifications but because we have seen what these products do and have proved their limits. It is our joy to be asked to road test new and beta products, because the manufacturers know we will put it through it’s paces!

High level customer service – we communicate! A lot! We want our customers to know where things are at, we don’t duck the tough stuff and we are constantly asking ourselves the question – can we do this more efficiently or more effectively? As we continually reevaluate, we remain committed to streamlining our processes so our customers get the most efficient and effective service we can deliver.

Do what others can’t. Perhaps this stems from Paul Sillars’ stubborn Englishness, but when we’re told it can’t be done our response is “why not?”! In our team we have some radical out of the box thinkers (not too many because that would end up in chaos!) who have an amazing creativity in problem solving. So perhaps it’s sourcing product others can’t, perhaps it’s helping our customers who have real world situations that don’t have an obvious answer, if there’s a solution we’ll find it. From a farmer being able to remotely monitor cattle coming into feed kilometers away from the homestead (yes we can do that!), to sourcing supply of UCG Ultras when there’s none expected in Australia for months – surely there’s a way!

So this is our heart, and this is who we are. Contact us if you think this sounds like what you need!