Wifi for Events

A lot of what we love to do is working with customers to find solutions to totally different situations. We had a customer approach us for help with a setup for a series of events that she was organising. Event 1 complete and we received this from her:

“The wifi worked perfectly during the event! We used heavy duty zip ties to hang the access points up on the wall bars in our structure, they worked great. I’m so so thankful for your help. Your reassurance helped alleviate a lot of my anxieties going into the weekend. 

It was my first time organising wifi, and the unknown was incredibly stressful haha there is so much going on on event days, not having to worry too much about the internet connection because of your help and recommendations made a world of difference. I’m much more confident for the next event coming up in a few weeks, and hopefully by the time our 65k attendee event comes around where I’ll need to set up 65 POS devices, the wifi won’t stress me out at all 😄 

Thank you so much again, words can’t express how grateful I am for your help!”

If you have an unusual situation and need a bespoke solution reach out to us here and the team would love to help you.

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